Privacy coin (PRCY)

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About Privacy coin
PRCY is a privacy blockchain with a focus on security, scalability and total privacy. The PRCY protocol has built in a fully anonymous staking coin and payment system with a trustless governance structure, based upon the latest privacy technologies.
Privacy coin Price Data
Price Volume Change Marketcap
$0.00315314 $1,301.60 -4.54% $48,214
₿0.00000005 ₿0.0218 ₿0.8082
Privacy coin Masternode Stats
Daily Earning
$0.0118 ₿0.00000019 3.7529 PRCY
Weekly Earning
$0.0828 ₿0.00000131 26.2703 PRCY
Monthly Earning
$0.3550 ₿0.00000563 112.5869 PRCY
Yearly Earning
$4.3192 ₿0.00006849 1,369.8077 PRCY
  Projected ROI: 27.40% / 1,332 days
  Rewards generated for masternode: 844 PRCY
  Masternode collateral: 5,000 PRCY
  Masternode price: $15.7657 / ₿0.0003
  Masternode counts: Total 225
  Current supply: 61,395,490 PRCY
  Coins locked in masternode: 1,125,000 PRCY / 1.83%
  Masternodecap: $3,547
  Average MN reward frequency: 3h 49m 27s
  Expected first reward time: 11h 28m 21s
  Masternode reward per block: 0.598 PRCY
Privacy coin Wallet Information
  Client Version: 2000006
  Protocol Version: 70915
  Wallet Version: 61000
  Wallet Connections: Show addnodes
Privacy coin Blockchain Stats
  Current Block Height: 1969179  time: 2024-08-29 09:15:37
  Best Block Hash: 4287483f54668d66124a22f019c977d70660d17723a366c65d489a8c201f16d4
  Total Blocks: 1440
  Blocks Generated for MN Reward: 1412  98.06%
  Average Block Time: 1m
  Coin Age: 3y 7M 16d 8h 52m 26s
  Genesis Block: 2021-01-13 00:23:11

Last updated at 2024-08-29 09:16:20

Privacy coin Charts
Privacy coin Collateral structure and reward distribution
Block Number Block Reward Collateral Masternode Reward Staking RewardMining Reward Developer Fee Charity Description
Block Number Block Reward Collateral Masternode Reward Staking RewardMining Reward Developer Fee Charity Description
Privacy coin Node Maps
Country Nodes Number
United Kingdom1
United States18
Privacy coin Twitter