Kafeniocoin (KFN)

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About Kafeniocoin
Going back in time, we've seen that coffee is not just a drink. It's a means of social interaction, and has been for a long time. In the past, people gathered together to share a cup of coffee and exchange information In North America and a lot of Western European countries, coffee shops and other major chains have dominated the market because they are providing the customers a complete experience around coffee.
Every masternode of KAFENIO has a goal to develop and enlarge the communities of KAFENIO. Here is a place for us to talk about our crypto investment or about the taste of coffee that you like and work together as community
Coffee and friends, coffee and work, coffee and snacks, coffee to go and NOW coffee to digitally trade called KAFENIO
Kafeniocoin Price Data
Price Volume Change Marketcap
$0.00000000 $0.00 0.00% $0
₿0.00000000 ₿0.0000 ₿0.0000
Kafeniocoin Masternode Stats
Daily Earning
$0.0000 ₿0.00000000 60.6703 KFN
Weekly Earning
$0.0000 ₿0.00000000 424.6919 KFN
Monthly Earning
$0.0000 ₿0.00000000 1,820.1081 KFN
Yearly Earning
$0.0000 ₿0.00000000 22,144.6486 KFN
  Projected ROI: 221.45% / 165 days
  Rewards generated for masternode: 67,344 KFN
  Masternode collateral: 10,000 KFN
  Masternode price: $0.0000 / ₿0.0000
  Masternode counts: Total 1110
  Current supply: 39,590,476 KFN
  Coins locked in masternode: 11,100,000 KFN / 28.04%
  Masternodecap: $0
  Average MN reward frequency: 18h 59m 16s
  Expected first reward time: 2d 8h 57m 48s
  Masternode reward per block: 48 KFN
Kafeniocoin Wallet Information
  Client Version: 2000000
  Protocol Version: 70301
  Wallet Version: 169900
  Wallet Connections: Show addnodes
Kafeniocoin Blockchain Stats
  Current Block Height: 1039175  time: 2024-10-22 07:59:00
  Best Block Hash: da12c6c6aa0a3374bcd93024a8ea37c99f47986cbd8aad636bcffcb5465e88c2
  Total Blocks: 1403
  Blocks Generated for MN Reward: 1403  100.00%
  Average Block Time: 1m 2s
  Coin Age: 2y 0M 9d 3h 44m 19s
  Genesis Block: 2022-10-13 12:14:41

Last updated at 2024-10-22 08:00:07

Kafeniocoin Charts
Kafeniocoin Collateral structure and reward distribution
Block Number Block Reward Collateral Masternode Reward Staking Reward Developer Fee Charity Description
0 - 15000000000Premine
2 - 600000.51000.40.100
60001 - 1000001.52000.20.300
100001 - 15000023001.60.400
150001 - 20000045003.20.800
200001 - 25000087006.41.600
250001 - 3000001010008200
300001 - 35000014150011.22.800
350001 - 40000018200014.43.600
400001 - 45000022250017.64.400
450001 - 50000026300020.85.200
500001 - 55000030350024600
550001 - 60000036400028.87.200
600001 - 65000042450033.68.400
650001 - 700000505000401000
700001 - 750000606000481200
750001 - 800000707000561400
800001 - 850000808000641600
850001 - 900000909000721800
900001 - 95000010010000802000
950001 - 10000008010000641600
1000001 - 12000006010000481200
1200001 - 1500000301000027300
1500001 - 3000000121000010.81.200
3000001 - 65000007100006.30.700
6500001 - MAX2100001.80.200
Block Number Block Reward Collateral Masternode Reward Staking Reward Developer Fee Charity Description
Kafeniocoin Node Maps
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